EasyDuplicateFinder’s Features and Benefits:
* Now with Windows7 64-bit Support!
* Search for True Duplicates
* Search for Duplicate Songs
* Find Duplicate Photos and Video
* Duplicate Selection Wizard
Dengan EasyDuplicateFinder Anda mendapatkan :
Easy Duplicate Finder adalah alat yang ampuh untuk menemukan dan menyelesaikan duplikat foto, dokumen, spreadsheet,, MP3 dan banyak lagi! Menghapus duplikat juga akan membantu untuk mempercepat pengindeksan dan mengurangi kembali ukuran dan waktu. Komputer Anda belum sepenuhnya dioptimalkan sampai Anda menghapus semua file duplikat yang tidak perlu. Easy Duplicat Finder menghapus file-file duplikat duplikat! ayo tunggu apa lagi segera cari file-file di HDD kamu yang sudah mulai numpuk apalagi file-file mp3, .......??? :-)

Find Duplicate Files Fast!
FIND DUPLICATE FILES INSTANTLY with Easy Duplicate Finder. It is the fastest and most accurate program of its kind. It will instantly scan your computer for duplicate files and display them in an easy to understand report. Built-in tools help you resolve Duplicates easily and safely.
EasyDuplicateFinder’s Features and Benefits
* Now with Windows7 64-bit Support!
* Search for True Duplicates
* Search for Duplicate Songs
* Find Duplicate Photos and Video
* Duplicate Selection Wizard
With EasyDuplicateFinder you get
Easy Duplicate Finder is a powerful tool to find and resolve duplicate photos, documents, spreadsheets, MP3's, and more! Removing duplicates will also help to speed up indexing and reduces back up size and time. Your computer isn’t fully optimized until you’ve removed all unnecessary duplicate files. Let Easy Duplicate Finder remove the duplicates!